Friday, May 27, 2011

Copic Certified Designer

IT is offical. I am now Certified. I was able to participate in the Copic Certification Class yesterday in Eden Prairie with 30 other Copic addicts. Debbie Olsen and Lori Craig tag teamed the instruction and did an awesome job. For me it was a repeat of things I had already learned in Copic Classes, but Debbie and Lori did such a great job presenting the information that I was totally engaged for the entire day. The plan now is to take the intermediate class when they offer it sometime in Sept.

Thanks for stopping by.


Tracy said...

i'm sooooooo jealous! :-) seriously i'd love to take any of their classes but they never do the certifications around my neck o'the woods... and i would absolutely love to meet Debbie O and learn from her - what a talented woman. hope all's well sweetie

Sue McGettigan said...

So cool, I would just love to take any kind of class with Debbie! Congratulations :)